Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Wow... it's been a while!

It certainly has!  I haven't written a blog for a while now, things have been busy here at the 1 Stop VA office (well sometimes my kitchen bench!)  A new year started, a new client came along, my boy turned 4, another new client came along, rugby has started, and another two enquires from potential clients came in.  It's fair to say I'm LOVING the work!

The work that I have been doing has been really varied - which again, I love.  For one client, I've typed up a health and safety manual as well as doing up a new induction form.  I also got to have a play around with PowerPoint and add some animation to a PowerPoint presentation that the client didn't have time to do.  I am answering phone calls for another client - they have diverted their phones to me, I answer the calls and take the caller's details and I then enter them into their database! It's a great set up really, the phones aren't ringing all day and because of that I'm still able to do another things around the house or with my boys.  Just a few of the varied jobs a virtual assistant gets to do.  It definitely keeps the days interesting.

I still have room to take on more clients.  So if you know of anyone who is needing a little help with anything - send them my way!

Until next time.... (hopefully next time isn't too fair away!)


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