Have been doing a lot of reading up on starting up a VA business. Can be a bit overwhelming with all the information out there but have found some helpful articles with the main things that I need to get started. Really need to get onto a website, once we have a domain name sorted, I can get some business cards printed and start networking.
One of the main things that has come up a lot while I have been reading, is the need for an online presence. The internet is such a valuable tool these days and it needs to be used to it's advantage otherwise there is the chance that I could miss out on potential clients - so far I have got my Facebook page up and running, which is up to 160 "fans" already, have signed up with Linkedin (still finding my way around that one) and of course Twitter and of course my blog. I am also looking into advertising on certain VA websites. While I think that the internet is the way to go and the best way to "get out there", I still think the old fashioned way of newspaper ads and advertising elsewhere is also helpful. So have made up some flyers - which is also a good way to showcase my work - and am going to put these around my local community to see how that goes. My main focus at the moment is to get a website built and get the word out there that I am available for work and to get the work rolling in!